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2 Quilting Tips | Easier Sewing

Updated: Mar 15, 2021

I just wanted to share a couple of sewing tips, realized only while I was working on my current quilt.

Although there are probably numerous tips & tricks, here are couple that I always revert back to.

1. Small clips instead of straight pins. This save my fingers from being pricked over & over again. Sore fingers & blood stains on your quilting project are just no good. The only downside is, that the clips don't lay as flat as straight pins, however, not getting stuck repeatedly is worth the trade off!

2. Using blue tape ( low stick tape) is also a favorite of mine. Just put a piece of tape down on your plate to use as a straight edge guide. (The tear side goes to the outside) This method is so much easier to see how to line up a straight edge. Otherwise, you have to try and keep it straight with the silver groove and I'm not a fan of that. I find that I can sew much quicker, as I only have to line up the fabric with the edge of the tape! The downside is, you have to replace the tape, as you replace the bobbin, but hey, you have to replace the bobbin anyways at some point. Hope this helps you too. Happy sewing!

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