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Times | Table

Normally most of the upcycles I do are free or very low cost and this one is no exception.

We had an old clock that loses time, despite the fact we replace the mechanism and replaced the battery. Also, It didn't help that we have a cat whom couldn't leave the moving hands alone, without helping them move faster with a paw slap. (eyeroll)

I hated to see it go to the trash. It was begging to be upcycled into a coffee table. :)

There were 4 square blocks on the back already, which was perfect to attach the legs on!

You need:

Legs to attach on the table! (that's it!) We ordered ours from Amazon for around $30.00 (set of 4) and they came with the screws.

Optional: You may want to add a piece of clear glass or plexiglass to the top. I am on the lookout for a bargain top.

Don't forget to Shop Farmhouse Style Digital Art & Textiles

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